So, in my last sharing I talked about the start of the Podcast and being real. I believe it all starts from who you say you are, because that’s who you will strive to be or prove to the world you are. In acknowledging who you are there is peace, but not when it is a fake watered-down version of you. Or one that you were told you are…
‘What did you say your name was again?’ This is a common question as you meet people for the first or second time (more for others sometimes, me included) We then proceed with a smile to repeat our name assuring the one inquiring that its ok as we probably need to ask theirs again.
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So, again I ask: ‘Who do you say you are?’ In the podcast I share of young lady who approached Dave and myself thanking us for helping her be open to a relationship out of her comfort zone. She had allowed who others told her she was to define her and what she desired. Doing that can steal the very joy and life out of you. God is not a one size fits all, cookie cutter God, so why would you think that just because something fit or worked for others would make it the same for you? Especially when it defined by facts like you happen to look the same, sound the same or even share the same blood?

You are unique, and yes you may end up having some similar goals and directions in your purpose, but it should never be taken for granted that exactly what someone else said, did or was it who or what God called us to do or become. I sometimes joke with my husband saying if someone who had upset me met the older version of me they would not like it… And indeed, that is the advantage of getting some things late in life like marriage or even children, they typically get a better version of you!