“Finally, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think on those things”, Philippians 4:8
I have realized that when things start going south in my life, they had long done that in my mind already. The mind is a beautiful creation, through it we conjure up all sorts of creations, plan and execute so many adventures and ultimately decide what direction our lives are going to take.

True there are external factors that come into play, but many of the most successful people have defied many odds to get to where they were, succeeded in changing themselves, their surroundings and in some cases even the world.
I remember as a child looking into the sky during one of my play sessions with friends and seeing a plane and thinking, … ‘one day I want to get on one of those!’ Though we were not dirt poor by any standards we also did not come from a privileged background as some I knew. Still, I somehow hid the dream in my heart and though at times it seemed that I would not make it beyond our neighboring countries by road, I held on to faith and eventually flew out the country for my first time on a trip to Europe. After that it became easier because I had broken the ceiling of that dream.

‘Whatever is true, whatever is noble… think on those things’
The challenge is sometimes we may subconsciously begin to believe lies to be true. Lies about ourselves, life and God. We know that what we believe is skewed or becoming that way by the fruits it produces. Galatians 5 gives us an exhaustive list of good fruits vs bad, check it out and see if what is on your mind is good or could be destroying your dreams.