We spent time in the past few reflections looking at facing our giants. While that may not be an exhaustive list, most of those that we face daily fall under one or the other categories I mentioned. But yours may not even be a giant you have discerned because you are at that place you are trying figure what your very purpose in life is… That one thing that would make you keep trying, waking up and reaching even when you are exhausted. The reason that gives you a smile and hope when all else seems lost.

I am usually one who has so many thoughts and ideas that I at one time worried that they were too many for God to handle! Imagine that! Then I read in Psalm 139:17-18 that His thoughts towards me were more numerous than the sand, then I realized that no matter how many my thoughts are they would never outnumber Gods thoughts towards to me. Once that sank in and became the truth for me I was no longer afraid to think many and big thoughts!

But to think big thoughts I realized I had to acknowledge and accept the smaller ones God had given me and used me to accomplish : Zechariah 4:10 ‘despise not the day of humble beginnings’. I found that as I reflected on those, they led me one step at a time to my ultimate purpose. Though the plans I have may seem too big to accomplish I became aware that faithfulness in what seemed like the smaller mediocre dreams prepared me for the bigger ones. Each milestone I achieved was made possible by previous smaller ones, by living on purpose.

It is easy to get discouraged when trying to find ones purpose, and not be intentional about doing the best we can with what we are currently called to do. But its the everyday baby steps that guide us to our greater purpose. The every day living on purpose, with the confidence that in obedience our steps are being ordered to our ultimate purpose. Psalm 119:105 ‘Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.’ Before getting to our ultimate purpose a lot of times we may seem to have just enough light for our immediate next step. Our ability to to move on to our purpose to ‘see it’ is hinged on our obedience in the days that it seems hard to live on purpose, so lets live on purpose knowing that we are within our purpose, and it will light up our path…