I have always felt that thanksgiving is a key component in achieving anything significant in life. This has proved to be so true in my life. I have often been able to tell the state of my spiritual life and the way everything is going or headed by the attitude in my heart. When I find myself complaining a lot about anything and everything things typically seem to head down hill from there. I could think of a few occasions, but for today I will stick to giving thanks first!

I am grateful to all of you who take time to read what I share, I don’t take it for granted that you allow me into your space, I am honored, humbled and blessed. Especially now as I set out on this journey of writing my blog as an author, I know I would not have made it this far without those I have journeyed with through the years sharing my devotional ‘In the waiting room.’ So, I am grateful to you and trust that God will continue to use me to share content that will inspire you to growth.

What separates priviledge from entitlement is gratitude – Brene Brown.
I love this quote because it reminds me not to take anything for granted and thus become entitled. I have met, as I am sure you have, individuals for whom it seems you can never do enough. It is draining to say the least to deal with them and if we are honest, we may even have tried to avoid them. We often think that when something changes then we will be grateful but that is not the direction we are given. In the Bible we are instructed:
In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus (1Thessalonians 5:18)
So, what are you finding hard to be thankful for today? Take time to think about something positive concerning it and thank God for it, be it a relationship, job, or even something you are waiting on God for, be grateful and watch the situation turn around in your life.