I finally decided to take a step of faith and start on the podcast I have been planning on doing for the longest time.
I am coming against procrastination in doing this and refusing to let delay keep me from doing this and many other things I had set out to do any longer. Sometimes thinking about something too long makes it remain in that stage. Fear can set in leading to procrastination, mixed with some valid excuses to justify the delay. Before you know it, another week is gone, another month and another year.

The podcast is about keeping it real, and sharing my challenges here is foundational. So much is lost in attempting to be someone else or thinking of yourself as less than you are, and silence is the way the enemy uses to stop us achieving our purpose. You have no idea that some of what you are thinking could be so far from the truth, if you are not able to talk about it within your safe space. First to God then to those you trust and eventually perhaps to others who needed to hear a story of victory and overcoming challenges, or simply how you can trust God amid waiting. In sharing I have believed I can do it and that delay has robbed me long enough.

The best gift that you can give to yourself, and the world is Jesus served in the best and most real version of yourself. That is what I hope to do in sharing, and I have discovered that the only way I can get to that version is by going to the One who has the template. The real me, the one He knew before even I was born and corrupted by the world. By His grace I am getting closer to that version each day and gaining the ability to share the real me.
Indeed, as I declare: ‘Its4reel!’ my prayer is that you and I may grow in becoming real to the beautiful version of who we are meant to be! You are fearfully and wonderfully made! Psalm 139
God bless the work of your hands
I love you