In our early days of marriage as we were accumulating utensils at some point, I felt I needed a funnel. Despite looking in the store each time I went, I never saw one. I was resigning myself to the fact that I would probably have to go to a hardware store to check if I could get one. The thought did not appeal to me. I knew it would work just fine but needing it for the kitchen I somehow felt I wanted something that I had bought in the kitchen section in a store. Silly I know, but blame it on the little part of me that escaped the tomboy influence growing up! Well, Dave and I visited his mum  around that time and as we were leaving she said, ‘I have a couple of things I am trying to get rid of, I want to give them to you and if you don’t need them you can give them away’. Among the items she gave us of all things, there it was!  A pink funnel! I was so excited! God had answered my unspoken prayer! Not only did He make sure I got a funnel, but one that appealed to that feminine desire I had to have one that did not look hardware bought by making it pink!

Photo by Marouane Tourham on

He showed me that even in the mundane day to day occurrences of life He was looking out for me and wanted me to know He cares! As I continue to reflect on the thought that God speaks sign language this one speaks to me so loudly even several years later. We often look out for the big signs, but it is in the mundane every day things that God often chooses to speak to us, because that’s our familiar ground.

Photo by Oleg Magni on

We live in the everyday. Even when we see and experience God doing big things in our lives and that of others it is in the everyday that He wants to open our eyes to see Him at work. As He speaks in signs daily, giving us a glimpse of His unfailing love. When Jesus appeared to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, He could easily have performed a miracle, but instead He chose to walk with them. Talking to them about what was the latest news at that time; that of His seemingly untimely death and the ‘so-called tales’ of resurrection that the women had come to tell them that did not make sense. He helped them unfold the mysteries and reminded them of all He had told them when He was with them. He went further and joined them in the evening meal and they recognized Him in the breaking of the bread.  He spoke to them as they walked, a daily occurrence for them and performed what seemed like a normal act at that time, gave thanks for the meal and broke the bread, then their eyes were opened, Luke 24:13-35.

One of my favourite songs currently is ‘Remember’ by Bryan and Katie Torwalt the song writer starts with the lyrics: ‘How quickly we forget the God of everyday, how easy to lose sight that You reside in the mundane…’  We are then exhorted by the song to remember Who we are talking to, the only One who death bows to! If we never forget who are talking to daily then we will be more likely to recognize Him. This season shows the best way to know recognize the sign language God is using to speak to us in our daily lives: by having an attitude of gratitude. When we are grateful for things given to us in the everyday, we will find it so much easier to recognize and receive the bigger things that He has aligned for us.

Photo by Jonathan Borba on

God speaks sign language: Do you recognize the signs in the mundane everyday activities of your life? Because He is speaking to you!

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