I became aware of movement in the bedroom and I opened my eyes in time to see Dave tiptoe out of the room. Trying hard not to wake me and making sure he used minimum light provided from the corridor for that purpose too. I smiled as I watched, debating in my mind whether I should wake up or continue enjoying the sleep he was trying to make sure I got since I did not need to get up as early as he did. It is thoughtful actions like these that make me love him so and I thanked God for him. As I reflected on his actions it came to my mind how much more God does to ensure that we enjoy life as much as possible.

Photo by Stokpic on Pexels.com

It may not seem so when going through a difficult season but many a time upon reflection later we realize how much worse what we went through could have been had it not been for certain things God put in place. It has nothing to do with our goodness but everything to do with His goodness. All around us we are surrounded by evidence of His love for us, in nature, those who love us and all that He has given us:

Psalm 145:4-7

‘One generation commends your works to another;
they tell of your mighty acts.
They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty—
and I will meditate on your wonderful works.
They tell of the power of your awesome works—
and I will proclaim your great deeds.
They celebrate your abundant goodness
and joyfully sing of your righteousness.

I must confess that the last thing I feel sometimes feel is holy. Each new day though He gives us me the opportunity to start afresh; form new habits that will take me closer to my destiny and what He has created me for and that is what I choose to do; not to focus on my failures and shortcomings but what He sees in me, when I cannot see it myself. The valley may seem to have swallowed you; sapped you of strength and drained you of the joy that is your strength, but God will not abandon you in your hour of need.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

I have been thinking lately about being more intentional in walking according to the purpose which God has called me to; because beyond the blessings that come just because we are, there are those blessings that we will only receive when we accept to grow. Think about it; as a parent you may love your children very much and there are those things you will do for them just because they are your children. Irrespective of how ungrateful or sometimes undeserving they may be; you do it because they are your children. But then there are those things that you save for later when you note a change and maturity in their behavior. A friend of mine who is a parent expressed it perfectly to me, when I asked if they had a dog; she replied “I know my children would love to have a dog but I told my them, ‘I see you cannot even clean up after yourselves don’t expect me to believe that you will clean up after a dog’ and that settled it!”

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

God calls us to be responsible enough for our next season. For the calling He has for us. To do all in our power whether in valley or on mountain top to prepare ourselves for our next level. We may have fallen or slowed down on the journey but can we take the courageous step of getting up and starting again. I intend to become intentional in this journey. I know, I have probably thought or said the same thing more than once before but am encouraged that I am not where I was before and convinced that ‘He who begun a good work in me will be faithful to complete it!’ Philippians 1:6.

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