So, last week I shared about lies as a giant we should overcome and this week we look at fear, they are closely related as the title suggests. Fear is a liar! It is the biggest lie that cripples and has caused many a dream to remain unborn. Zach Williams in his song ‘Fear is a liar’ puts it well when he describes the lies one may have been told that take ones breath and stop them short.

So many fears we have never actually come to pass, yet we unwittingly continue to let fear cripple us. We cant help others grow when our own growth is stunted by fear. The level to which we are able to face our own giants and overcome will determine our ability to occupy the place assigned for us. Fear is by far the greatest liar because it puts into action or lack of action all other lies that we or others tell ourselves. It spurs us in the opposite direction of where we would otherwise go had we stood on the truth. When we were children we learnt fear, because of what we were told sometimes true others exaggerated to stop us harming ourselves. If you observe children you notice that they are willing to try new things but as time goes by with many warnings and sometimes threats they learn to be afraid.

For a season I worked as a caregiver and it opened my eyes to how fear had kept me from being empathetic. Because I did not understand I was fearful, prior to that much as I felt compassion I often hesitated to help, hoping someone else would do it first. My eyes were opened then and I saw behind the weakened conditions of those who I cared for and saw their need… I saw Christ, Matthew 25:27-30. It was thanks to this ability that as I travelled during the first time when COVID struck and there was so much fear surrounding it, I was able to help a lady who was about to pass out in front of me. I refused to let fear lie to me, even though for a moment I actually hesitated, the knowledge I had both from a practical and spiritual level helped me overcome. I knew God was telling me once more ‘do not be afraid…’ Isaiah 41:10-14

So the greatest antidote for fear is opening ourselves to learning the truth John 8:32: “And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free! Followed by facing our fears and taking action. Learning to speak to fear counteracting it with the truth can help one face any giant. David recognized this when he spoke to the giant and declared ‘…I come in the name of the Lord of hosts! The God of Israel! 1Sam 17:45, and he run towards the giant, prevailing against him. Recognize and name what has remained undone because of fear in your life, do not be afraid to spell it out, because in naming it in itself you are facing it. Speak to it and tell it you are coming for it! The world awaits what you have to offer, face your fear, overcome it and give the world the best version of you.