Make your waiting room your upper room. It is never an easy thing to wait, I have yet to hear anyone say; ‘I just love waiting!’ the long queues, the uncertainty the self-doubt, the delays! I know it’s good for me!! If someone did say that in our presence we would probably be convinced they were losing it! But your tears can yet be your greatest prayer.

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Our disappointments make us look ourselves and life in a different perspective. They reveal weakness we would rather not admit we have or are struggling to overcome. They challenge what we believe and what we have testified. But no matter what new discovery we make of ourselves, it does not and cannot ever change who God is; He was, He is and will always be. He remains faithful to us and waits on us to turn to Him with our prayers.

When we do not turn to God in prayer, our faith decreases and essentially, we are declaring: ‘this one is too big for You God, I will handle it!’ How laughable that is, yet when in the midst of our challenges it may sometimes seem like a viable solution.

It is easy to get distracted in our daily walk as we wait for the promises. Easy to doubt our authenticity, and Gods faithfulness.

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I had an interesting experience this last week, I had been in the process of making an application to a certain place of work that I was convinced was in the will of God. To do this job I needed certification as private provider and therefore a lot was paperwork was involved. When I began the process, everything went smoothly and I seemed to experience the favour of God at every turn. Then things took a turn for the negative, so many things went wrong and the final straw happened after 5 weeks, which was last week, when I finally thought I was making a breakthrough I could not find my certificates. I turned the house upside down and could not find them, I was so frustrated I ask God if I heard Him wrong and alternated between angry outbursts and tears…. Then I recalled my morning devotion where the Lord led me to listen to a song ‘Let your joy be my joy’, and I knew God was asking me to trust in Him and be at peace despite things not going well. I made my waiting room my prayer room… To cut a long story short, I got the documents the following day and I felt so foolish for my outbursts.

God is faithful and never gives up on us friends. Let us pray for His grace to be still and make our waiting room our upper room. A place of prayer and praise, for praise is our weapon Psalm 149:6 ‘May the praise of God be in their mouths and a double-edged sword in their hands’.

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